Bardia Rassekhi

Vioolles, Pianoles



voor cursisten
€ 24,00


Locatie Wijkcentrum Charlois (School of Music), Rotterdam
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Bardia Rassekhi BR
en 1 andere locatie
€ 22,00
per 30 min.
Videoles mogelijk


Hoi allemaal, mijn naam is Bardia en ik ben een Italiaanse/Iraanse violist en docent. Ik schrijf deze paar regels in het Nederlands om mijn eigen taalniveau een beetje uit te leggen. Mijn spreekniveau in het Nederlands is over het algemeen prima en ik kan gesprekken voeren en mezelf verstaanbaar maken. Begrijpen is misschien wat lastiger, maar ik doe momenteel mijn best om op B2-niveau te komen.

Hello everyone, My name is Bardia and I am an Italian/Iranian violinist, born in Florence, currently living in Rotterdam.I moved to The Netherlands in 2012 in order to develop my skills further and to give a boost to my career. I first studied Classical Violin in Rotterdam with N. Morozova, graduating in 2017, and then decided to deepen my musical knowledge by pursuing a Master in Early Music in Utrecht, studying with A. Lohmann.

I consider myself lucky as, during my Bachelor in Rotterdam, thanks to the World Music Department of  the Conservatory, I had the chance to be involved in several projects with different musical styles ranging from Tango, Latin Music and up to Indian Music. This was a wonderful opportunity and it gave me the chance to explore further new styles and to learn how to integrate them in my own playing.

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The key words for my teaching are fun and personal development/growth.

What matters the most to me is to have students feeling at ease with my teaching and feeling motivated after a lesson. This is why we will be playing lots of pieces together in duos, trying to develop complicity at your own pace, no rush ever.

Last but not least, I also want to train and instruct students to reach a high mental level so as to express themselves free from constraints and stresses.

Through a personalized method, tailored to your needs and wishes, we will cover together all sorts of repertoire, ranging from Baroque and Classical Music to more modern styles like Pop.

Last but not least lessons can be given in English, basic Dutch, Spanish, Italian, French and Farsi.

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I started teaching in September 2010, firstly by working as assistant to the chair of Chamber Music for Amateurs in the Conservatory of my home town until 2012, in Florence and soon after as a private Violin teacher. Thanks to being assistant and player in the Amateur Chamber Music groups I tend to choose and play Duets/Trios and more with my own students as I consider Chamber Music a fundamental feature for any person that is embracing the Music world.

Of course it is also important to balance Chamber Music repertoire with a proper self-preparation and this is why we will be going through etudes, scales and exercises aiming at improving the skills of the student.

I teach at all levels from beginners to advanced with particular focus on amateur players.

If needed, I can help finding and providing a suitable instrument for your budget/needs.

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About Piano lessons; as I consider piano an extremely versatile instrument and also very useful to process music music in faster way for beginners in particular I am more than happy provide piano lessons for beginners and intermediate levels.